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  • Writer's pictureGoth-Ick/ unscene

Funker Vogt show postponed!

We have some rather sad news regards our upcoming shows at Goth-Ick/ unscene.

As our last news post stated we were being optimistic that our Funker Vogt show would still go ahead as planned, but understandably, Funker Vogt have decided to air on the side of caution and postpone their upcoming US tour for now. Obviously we are very sad about this but given the state of the world at the moment we totally agree with their decision.

We're waiting to get a new date for the future so please hold onto your tickets as they will be good for the new date. We will advise you immediately once we know of a date change, so until then we are keeping the event up and live to keep you all updated.

We also had some more shows in the pipeline, but again, bands and agents have decided to cancel until things get better regards the Covid-19 situation. We can't wait to announce the other killer shows we had planned, more exciting news to share in the future though.

We hope everyone is staying safe and sane during these trying times. We miss all of our unscene patrons and look forward to partying with you all soon!

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